Move on Coordinators

Discharge from hospital can be a daunting experience for many people, but we're here to help.
About the project
Response has successfully developed the unique role of Move on Coordinator. These individuals work with individuals who are being discharged from acute wards, and work to ensure that all the person's essential needs are met when they return to the community. Our Move on Coordinators help individuals avoid homelessness and connect them to the right community support services on discharge. Response has found that the work carried out by these staff members has massively reduced homelessness following discharge by over 95 percent, whilst also reducing re-admission rates.

Impact of Move on Co-ordinators
While there are just two Move on Coordinators commissioned in Avon and Wiltshire, more Trusts across the county are recognising the positive impacts Move on Coordinators can have on their wards. Due to this demand, Response has been able to expand the reach of these roles to include acute wards in Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire and Berkshire.

Since January 2022
of individuals have been support by our Move on Coordinators
of the people we support who had nowhere to live before hospital have comfortable homes upon discharge