Response Wrapped

So what did we Achieve?
In our Adult Services…
- We support 320 clients in our
adults services - 46% of clients are in meaningful activity.
- Our Clients rate our services 4.2 stars our of 5
- 79% of clients have shown improvement & neutral.
- This year 20 clients have moved to independent living
In our Children Young People and Families Services…
- In 2022 we supported 4182 young people with their mental health
- 88.7% Young people are feeling more positive about their future
- In 2022 we supported 136 young people back into eduction, employment and training
And Finally, Internally…
- In 2022 we welcome 122 new employees to Response
- 5 employees are celebrating 20 years at Response!
- In 2022 we saw 33 employees get promoted!