Let's Celebrate Response Fundraising Event

"Years of working for charities , I was really impressed with the event, the attention to detail and the team work - can't wait for the next one"- attendee
We received lots of excellent feedback from those who attended our music event on Sunday 26th November! Our bonanza included live performances, speeches and some even claimed we put on 'the best raffle in Oxford!'...
A lovely bunch turned up and we had a good boogie, promoted awareness of mental health and spread the positive vibes ahead of Christmas.
A HUGE thank you to all volunteers, talented performers and attendees for making Sunday night's music and celebration event SO EXCEPTIONAL and truly a night to remember. We couldn't have done it without your effort and commitment.
And... an extra special shout out to our partners the Tap Social Movement for letting us use their TOP TIER venue again and being generally fabulous! If you don't know them, the Tap Social are a socially inclusive business who give people a second chance. They have several top notch bars and venues across Oxfordshire, employing prisoners and ex-prisoners to brew beer and help run the venues.
We hope to collab with you again❤️

We enjoyed the music, and you can too!
- The talented Deluded Band who are certified masters of mod music!
- Warwick Junction - a few members of a party band play their classic upbeat covers for everyone to get down and dance to!
- Howard Sinclair who is influenced by an eclectic mix of styles and produces honest, heartfelt lyrics and acoustic sounds. Some may call his sound 'hippyish'!
- Ellie Cox, an esteemed acoustic singer/songwriter who's voice and talent on the guitar is truly out of this world and will be sure to jerk a tear or two.
We raised £665!
The money raised from the event will go directly towards Response’s services for Adults and Young People struggling with mental health challenges. In line with our fundraising strategy, all donations are going towards improving the quality of our current services and supported accommodation for those who need it most.

“It was so lovely to see all of the Response community come together and celebrate our values and achievements. I feel proud to work for Response.” - Colleague.